News & Events

Transform Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers in Yorktown

Teeth irregularities have been a rampant dental issue that affects people globally. The problems do affect not only the physical aspect of a person but also cause psychological distress. It makes the person self-conscious when smiling and talking and even makes the daily activities (eating, speaking, chewing) quite challenging. Most people who suffer from teeth […]
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Why Should You See a Periodontist for Gum Disease?

 Gum disease is serious for a few reasons. It can… Result in tooth loss Adversely affect your overall health Quickly spread to other teeth Be difficult to control Right now, there is no miracle pill you can take at one time to just make gum disease go away. Neither will it heal on its own. […]
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Your Teething Teen

You remember when your baby’s first teeth came in. It started as swollen gums and drool all over the place. Finally, one day, a white spot appeared in the gum line and it worked its way up until that first sharp white tooth bit you as you swept some small piece of fuzz out of […]
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Surgery for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) doesn’t just mean you’re annoying others with your snoring. It’s a serious medical condition that deprives your body of oxygen. If you don’t address it, OSA can lead to chronic fatigue and other problems that result from never getting a good night’s rest (such as depression or weight gain). What Is […]
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What is Endodontic Treatment?

You may see your regular dentist if you happen to crack your tooth. But if the damage goes deeper beyond the surface, you might need endodontic treatment. “Endo-” means inside and “-dont” refers to tooth. So endodontic therapy, or the study of endodontics, refer to treating the inside of a tooth.
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Recover Quickly From Your Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Having your wisdom teeth pulled may not sound fun, but at the moment, it’s a reality you need to consider. Fortunately, you can make your recovery as efficient as possible by following a few key instructions. Take Your Time Literally, you’ll need to take off at least three days to recover.
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How to Find the Right Oral Surgeon in Stafford, VA

Just the fact that you need oral surgery is enough to leave some people feeling nervous. But add to that the task of finding a good oral surgeon and you may start to feel overwhelmed. To find a skilled surgeon, try the following: Ask your dentist. A local general dentist often refers out complicated procedures […]
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